Queer Youth Group is looking for people to join its Language Working Group. We’re basically trying to engage Nepali languages into LGBTIQ+ rights work.
We are forming groups for following languages: –
- Awadhi.
- Bantawa Rai.
- Bhojpuri.
- Dotyali.
- Hindi.
- Hyolmo.
- Khas, Eastern (also known as Nepali language).
- Khas, Khasani (Karnali).
- Magar, Dhut.
- Magar, Kaike.
- Magar, Kham.
- Maithili.
- Nepala Bhasa (Newa) – Both Eastern & Western dialects, except Dolakha dialect.
- Sherpa.
- Tamang, Eastern.
- Tamang, Western.
- Tamu (Gurung).
- Tharu, Chitwaniya.
- Tharu, Dagaura.
- Tharu, Kochila.
- Tharu, Rana.
- Tibetan.
- Urdu.
- Yakthung (Limbu).
If you do not find your language in the list, and you’re interested to engage your language into LGBTIQ+ rights work – you can still email us. The above mentioned list of languages are our first approach list on basis of geographical, ethnic and population coverage. We will be forming groups in the above mentioned languages and engaging with our work. This does not mean we are not interested in rest of the languages of Nepal. It is just that we will prioritize the above mentioned languages in our resource allocation. In case there is limited resources, we’ll select languages from aforementioned list first. In case of availability of resources, we can further expand to engage rest of the languages too. If you send us an email mentioning a language that is not listed above, we’ll keep your contact details for the record, reach out to you when we see an allocation of resource, however with currently available resources, we cannot ensure that there will be an engagement with you.
Who are we looking for?
Individuals who are enthusiastic about rights of queer people have innovative ideas to work in this sector can join these groups. An individual who not only holds a passion and understanding about queer rights, but also is willing to engage one of the above mentioned languages are the ones we are looking for.
Here are our eligibility criteria: –
- Any individual who identifies in the queer spectrum / PoMSOGIESC / LGBTIQAP+.
- Age between 18 to 27. QYG is a youth group and therefore we are a team of people between the age of 18 to 29. People automatically retire from QYG on their 29th birthday. We expect our group members to stay at least for two years.
- Agrees with the QYG ideology.
- Should not have any criminal history.
- Should not be affiliated or a member of any political party.
What level of language proficiency do I need?
We accept people with different levels of language proficiency.
If you just know how to speak the language, mention that in the application. We may reach out to you when we need speech related work, like audio recording, interpretation, etc.
If you know how to speak, read and write in the language, mention that in the application. We may reach out to you when we need someone to write some content in the language or translate some written content in the language.
If your language has its own script, but you only know how to write it in Devanagari, you can mention that in the application. For example: – Maithili language has its own script called Mithilakshar. But if you don’t know how to read write in Mithilakshar, and can read write Maithili in Devanagari script, it is also fine, just mention that in the application.
Basically, you can have different levels of proficiency in the language, and you need to mention that in your application, and we’ll reach out to you on basis of your skills in the language and our needs.
Also to note, QYG will be organizing events that would facilitate learning languages. For example: – You just speak Tamang and can’t read or write – there will be programs in QYG where we arrange a class for you to learn how to read and write in Tamang. So please don’t hesitate to apply for the group, just because you may have limitation in the language usage.
What should you expect?
Being a part of the Language Working Groups, you can expect the following: –
Organization: Once you’re selected as a member of X Language Working Group, you’ll be added to our email group.
First point of outreach: Whenever there is any work, that involves the given language, an email shall be sent to the group. For example: – If we have a project where we need to write a book in Awadhi, we will email the group asking who’s interested in this work. If we have an event where we need side-by-side interpretation in Dotyali, we’ll email the group asking who’s interested in this work. If we need a piece of statement translated in Bantawa Rai, we’ll email the group asking who’s interested in this work. This way, the working group shall be our first place of outreaching.
Work expectations: The work being a member at QYG’s Language Working Group is spontaneous and upon call. You don’t have a regular call for working. It is working on need basis. We will be organizing meetings and discussions to create LGBTIQ+ discourse in the given language. We’ll also be introducing projects that involve LGBTIQ+ and the languages, ranging from text materials, audio-visual materials, etc.
Remunerated: Every work that shall be called will be remunerated. You’ll be paid for the work you do. You will not receive a remuneration or a salary just by being a member of the group – but by undertaking a task that we call in. If there are meetings, we’ll be providing refreshments and travel expenses, and other reimbursement as per the nature of the program. If we ask you to undertake a small piece of work, we’ll pay you accordingly. If we have a book to write, we’ll pay your accordingly. If we have video to make, we’ll pay you accordingly.
First priority: You’ll be our first priority. Whenever there is any call for applications, members of the groups shall be in our first priority. Not just with the work related to the given language – even in other call for applications, such as vacancy for a staff member, application for a training or workshop, applications for anything – members of the groups shall be given the first priority.
Formality of the groups: The nature of these groups shall be informal. It will be this way at least for next two years. We’re planning to introduce these groups formally – by formally establishing the groups, creating a formal policy, organizing with a board, having regular meetings, etc. This shall be done only if the proper resources is received in the group. We’ll let you know if we plan to create a formal establishment. In that case as well, people may choose to join the formal group or remain informally. As of now, these groups will be there as an informal network.
Deadline: There is no hard and fast deadline for this. Applications shall be open around the clock. Just send it in, we’ll review your application and get back to you.
How to send in the applications:
Please fill in this application, and email it at queeryouthgroup.nepal@gmail.com. Please put the subject line as “Application for (name of your language) Working Group”.
Privacy Policy
- The application you sent to us shall be confidential. It shall be shared only among QYG board and staff members for the purpose of selection.
- If you’re not shortlisted and/or selected, we will delete your application from our device. Your information shall not be stored.
- If you’re selected, your information shall be stored in our database. Our database is offline and hosted in QYG’s Executive Director’s PC. This database shall not be shared through any media, not even to other QYG members. Upon need to contact you, QYG’s responsible staff shall be given your contact details – if this is about any work in QYG. If anyone outside QYG asks contact details with us, we’ll ask them for the reason, then write to you seeking for your consent, and only provide them the details if you consent.